Ways to Discipline a Cat: 5 Proven Ways to Improve Your Cat Behavior

Sarma Javed
3 min readJul 31, 2023


Are you concerned about your cat’s behavior? Have you done everything you could but are still disappointed?

Cats are frequently unpredictable and irresponsible. As the study shows, cat behavior depends upon the home setting and environment. Because of its easygoing temperament, disciplining a cat can be useless. However, this does not preclude you from training your cat.

Cat meowing sounds are one of the many ways cats try to grab your attention. This appears to be a sweet one. But there are times when you just can’t stand it.

Here are the five most prevalent strategies for improving cat behavior.

1) Spray your Cat with Water

Nobody wants to be sprayed with water, and it can be annoying at times. But the question is whether cats enjoy the water. It’s simply not true. If you are angered by cat behavior, simply sprinkle some water on it.

The ballpark figure is to ensure that your cat should not know who is pouring water on him. The majority of the cats abandon their undesirable behavior and flee. You must have a thorough cat behavior understanding. You must ensure that the spray bottle is merely a mist and not a stream, otherwise, your cat may be injured.

2) Reward your Cat for Good Behavior

As a study shows, 54% of owners surveyed, meat and fish are given by the cat owners as a reward, A pet’s basic want is to be rewarded. Spending quality time with your cat and extra attention will keep it from performing inappropriate things. To avoid cat aggression, maintain a welcoming demeanor.

The more you praise and spend time with your cat, the less he will be upset with you and his surroundings and will quit misbehaving.

3) Make some Noise

Cats are particularly sensitive to loud noises and sounds. Clap your hands loudly if your cat is misbehaving. You may also fill a container with coins to make a noise when your cat is misbehaving. To avoid cat biting your furniture you should clap once.

Some cats are afraid of clapping or noise, and they will cease misbehaving. However, you should not use this strategy frequently since he will associate the loud sound with poor behavior.

4) Use of Unpleasant Smells

It is simple to set some boundaries for your cat by placing odors that cats dislike. There are certain sprays or deterrents available on the market that you can employ to keep them away from your intended location.

Cats dislike the scents of eucalyptus, aloe, wintergreen, and citronella. You can place these odors in a moistened cotton ball from where you want your cat to be away. However, do your homework because some of the odors are quite hazardous to your cat.

5) Use a Tone

You can utilize some tones to make them avoid doing things that your cat should not do. You should avoid making a loud noise or shouting because this will startle your cat.

You can use terms like “stop”, ouch, no. Use these terms sparingly, as cats will associate them with unpleasant behavior.

Summing Up

These are some of the most effective ways to discipline your cat. Cats have various personalities, therefore you must always be patient. You should never be offended if your cat misbehaves, as this could be a sign of a health problem that needs to be addressed.

You can’t use every approach on every cat because they all have different behaviors. The first and most important step is to be patient while instilling excellent behavior in your cats.

