Sarma Javed
3 min readAug 3, 2023


Sleep deprivation has an equal impact on your mental and physical well-being. A person typically requires seven to nine hours of sleep every night, however, this might vary from person to person or age group depending on a variety of circumstances. Your sleeping pattern may affect your quality of life and interfere with your daily goals.

According to a survey in 2018, there are about 70 percent of individuals suffered from insomnia just because of the stress at work.

In this article, we will sweep you through the crucial aspects of insomnia and its effects on physical and mental health.

Insomnia: A Brief Overview

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Your everyday responsibilities may suffer if you do not take a sufficient nap at night. When your body does not receive enough sleep, it affects your everyday activities and emotions. You will no longer be able to focus on your work. Diabetes, heart disease, and depression can all be caused by insomnia.

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?”

Ernest Hemingway

Without further delay, let’s get straight to the point and ponder over the things that will help you to overcome insomnia.

  1. Exercise:

Exercise is one of the most important components in overcoming a lack of sleep at night. You only need to exercise on a daily basis to get a good night’s sleep. It should be remembered that you should exercise about three hours before going to bed.

Exercise may aid in the treatment of depression and anxiety. It will assist you in being more active in your daily tasks and improving your concentration at work.

2. Terminate Alcohol:

Alcohol is one of the most fundamental disruptors of restful sleep. You should specifically minimize your alcohol consumption before going to bed. Your inclination towards drinking disrupts your sleep, and you will experience many nighttime awakenings.

The more a person’s tendency for alcohol and caffeinated goods, the more likely he may suffer from sleeping disorders.

3. Put Out The Lights:

Before going to bed, switch out the lights. The primary barrier to sleeping is light. It keeps the hormones that we require for good sleep at a distance. Keep your phones away from your pillows and face.

If you need to use bathroom facilities at night, make sure not to turn on the main lights. It will irritate you and make you feel like you won’t be able to sleep soon.

4. Meditation:

Meditation aids in stress reduction and concentration enhancement. It also aids in the improvement of the immune system. When you sit quietly and alone, take a deep breath, and push aside all of your feelings and thoughts, you will notice peacefulness surrounding you.

You can meditate for as long as you like. However, make sure to do it in the evening or early morning.

5. Stick To a Scheduled sleep time:

You should create a habit of going to bed and getting out of bed at the same time every day. To obtain a good night’s sleep, make sure to switch off all the lights, televisions, mobile screens, and tablets that are within reach.

You must avoid sleeping on weekends except during your regular time because it will disrupt your body’s biorhythm.

Final Verdict:

To summarize, if you continue to include these actions in your everyday practice, you will experience the serenity of mind and body. In everyday life, you will be free of anxiety, consistency, and depression. By acting upon the steps you will get a healthy mind and body.

